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I will kill every hedgehog I see in roguelite RPG He Is Coming

It's got autobattle bits too

A knight faces off against the famous Spade Leshen in He Is Coming.
Image credit: Chronocle

It is I, the guy who has only played Mechabellum playing his second autobattler, and getting strong Mechabellum vibes from it. Except, actually no, not at all. He Is Coming, from Chronocle and noted good game recognisers Hooded Horse, is actually a kinda sorta classic roguelike RPG. You'll be shuffling over a Commodore 64-tified overworld map, grabbing treasure, bumping foes that move when you do, and turn-based autobattling them.

Got wounded? Maybe have a nice rest at that campfire. Not too long, you slovenly wastrel! You're actually on the clock: the 'he' of the title refers to the menagerie of boss creatures that turn up after a set time. The idea is to use your time wisely to prepare for the big fight, getting stronger without getting whittled down too much.

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The first thing I get is a sword named 'heartdrinker', which restores one health on a hit. Am I invincible already? Have I won? Then I find an anvil that gives me a 'deal two thorns and take one damage' upgrade to my sword. Will this pair up nicely with my health regen? It absolutely does not. I'm getting battered. The next wolf I fight eats my feet and I die miserably. The game doesn't say "a wolf eats your feet" or anything, but that's what I imagine happened. Wolf's gotta eat.

But what's this! Meta progression between runs! Equipment I unlock by meeting certain criteria, the first of which is simply dying? This, I like. Meta progression in roguelikes is universally good and I'll hear no argument to the contrary (I am actually interested in hearing argument to the contrary).

I trundle around for a bit. Quite a lot of the joy early on is just discovering what all the event nodes do, so I hope this extends long past the Steam demo. You might find a font of oil that buffs your sword, or a fairy than can transform equipment. You might just find hedgehogs. I keep killing hedgehogs in a single hit and feeling nothing. Am I broken? My icon shows a knight but I start with a stick? Is this a Don Quixote simulator? How would Don Quixote feel about killing hedgehogs? So many questions. Let's look at Steam for answers.

A long-forgotten enemy rises and brings portents of doom – the Demon King is coming, and without a champion to strike him down, the world will surely fall to his corruption. Seek out powerful weapons and artifacts by day, stand against his minions by night, and prepare to be hunted by powerful entities from ages past in this roguelite role-playing game.

Well, that settles it: it's a Sokoban, and it's out sometime this year.

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