Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater release date leaked, alongside a trailer showing off the baddies
Remember the bee guy?
"Kept you waiting, huh?" says Snake. Uh, no, not really. You're actually a bit early this time, mate. The release date for Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater was spotted this week, hiding in the long grass of the PlayStation Store. The fancy-schmancy MGS3 remake is coming out in August, according to the store page. And you can also catch sight of a camouflaged trailer if you go looking under the right rocks.
The release date was listed as August 28th on the game's PlayStation page. It has since been taken down and replaced with the vague "2025" but it still appears at the end of a trailer that leaked alongside the date. You can watch it by inspecting this mossy URL that looks a bit too human-shaped.
The video shows the bosses our boy must boss about before he beats The Boss and becomes his own Big Boss. You remember all these bad guys from the 2004 original, right? The Fear is a man covered in bees. The Sorrow is a ghostly dude who likes swimming. The Fury is a cosmonaut with a flamethrower. The Vibe is an influencer who vapes eels. Okay I made that last one up.
The release date and trailer haven't been officially announced by Konami yet. It's possible they were planning to unveil it during the next State Of Play broadcast, PlayStation's bi-annual showing off of upcoming games. This has been teased by industry rumourmonger NateTheHate as happening some time next week, possibly on Valentine's Day. PlayStation held a State of Play broadcast on February 23rd last year, so there is a precedent for it landing around this time.
MGS Delta is one of our 50 most anticipated games of 2025. A lot of that anticipation rides on good memories of the game going full Kojima. You could kill one boss, an elderly but gifted sniper called "The End", just by fast-forwarding the clock in the settings of your PlayStation 2 until the freakishly accurate geezer died of old age. It is twenty years later, I am almost as old as The End myself, and I still think this gimmick is very funny.
Also, did you know that MGS3's love interest and motor-bi-cyclist Eva was voiced by the actor who played Ariel in Disney's The Little Mermaid? We got a lot more facts where these come from here at The Rock, The Paper, And Not Forgetting The Shotgun Dot Com. Keep us open in one tab at all times.