Review ActRaiser Renaissance review: raise one for a great remake of a 16-bit classic When Square Enix asks if you’re a god, say "YES" Oct. 19, 2021 Nadia Oxford 7 comments
Feature How Tales of Arise rose up for a new audience We chat to Arise producer Yusuke Tomizawa about the series’ new start Sept. 23, 2021 Nadia Oxford 8 comments
Review Tales Of Arise review: a tale worth telling Rise up, rise up Sept. 8, 2021 Nadia Oxford 21 comments
Feature Tales Of Arise is fast, furious fun, and a JRPG that's surprisingly light on its feet As a Tales newcomer, I'm stoked Aug. 10, 2021 Nadia Oxford 6 comments
Feature Ys IX: Monstrum Nox is the perfect place for newcomers to take a vampiric leap into the series More like Batman Balduq City, am I right? July 8, 2021 Nadia Oxford 13 comments