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Phasmophobia is getting a new haunted location, but won't be getting any more "big" maps

Plus reworks to some old haunts

A ghost hunter holds a device in a sitting room.
Image credit: Kinetic Games

Torch-trembling spook 'em up Phasmophobia is getting a new map some time this year, say developers Kinetic Games. It'll be a small one, about the size of one of the haunted houses that make up the co-op horror's roster of cosier locations. And that decision to build small is going to be the plan from now on. No more big maps like the spectre-stalked high schools or mazey psych wards of the past, the developers have decreed.

"For future Phasmophobia maps, we’ll be keeping the size relatively small," said Kinetic in a blog post showing their 2025 roadmap. "This’ll allow us to release more maps, more regularly rather than fewer larger maps."

As for the new map, they haven't revealed its exact setting yet.

"We’re keeping details close to our collective chests, but we can reveal it will be a small map - akin to the houses - in a location that’ll be totally unique to anything we’ve done in Phasmophobia up until now. We’ll share more later this year..."

Hmmm. Mysterious, as befits a ghostly gang. But they did talk about other plans, including reworks to three existing maps: the Bleasdale Farmhouse, Grafton Farmhouse and 6 Tanglewood Drive. Bleasdale will be the first to be refurbished, and that'll arrive in a March update. They also show a "work-in-progress" screenshot of one of the rooms.

A study room in the Bleasdale map for Phasmophobia, showing plush armchairs and ornate bookcases.
Image credit: Kinetic Games

"These reworks are all about bringing these maps in line with our full vision for them," said Kinetic. "So you can expect to see complete artistic overhauls of each map, including new assets and animations, a high level of visual detail as well as a few layout changes. They’ll still be the maps you’ve grown to love through endless investigations, however."

The last time ghost hunters saw a new location was in June last year, when a lighthouse was added to the lineup. Previous map additions came in September 2022 - the flickering fires of Camp Woodwind the Sunny Meadows Mental Institustion (one of the only two "large" maps in the game). A bewraithed prison was added back in 2020. .

The roadmap discusses other plans, so it's worth a look if you're a Phasmophiend. The game will see a visual overhaul of player characters, for example, and a more satisfying way of noting evidence of ghostly goings-ons in your journal. There'll also be a repeat of the seasonal events the game has been doing since 2022. Looking much further ahead, they say there'll be more new maps in 2026.

I have only played this freak fest for family 'n' friends a couple of times, diving in with a pal and his crack squad of hunters. I had no idea how to use any of the equipment, while they were all seasoned experts. It was like being the idiot reporter embedded in a SWAT team. I was escorted around by the hand before being led to a closet and told to wait. I was discovered and killed by a terrible, unknowable, unimaginable being. "This is the reason Phasmophobia is one of our best co-op games," I did not think, because, as I say, I was deceased.

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