Valheim Spotlight
Penultimate biome is also the survival sim's toughest yet
The Valheim map and markers explained
The 30 best survival games on PC
Promise me that you will never die
Valheim's volcanic Ashlands update gets first proper trailer and breakdown
New hazards, new weapons and siege equipment, plus thoughts on washing machines
Valheim Feed

Valheim gets a fiery rebirth as Ashlands biome goes live with new siege weapons, bone spiders and boiling seas
Penultimate biome is also the survival sim's toughest yet

Valheim's volcanic Ashlands update gets first proper trailer and breakdown
New hazards, new weapons and siege equipment, plus thoughts on washing machines

Valheim's Ashlands update walks a "fine line between fun and frustration", according to new dev video
Iron Gate showcases a range of horrible Nordic munsters

Valheim's beta branch update adds difficulty modes, new trader and more
Hardcore, casual, beards

Paid mods are “against the creative and open spirit of modding,” say Valheim's developer
Iron Gate aren't fans of the idea

Valheim details customisable difficulty settings and a sort-of creative mode
Perfect for builders, peaceful strollers, and hardcore survivors

Valheim: How to find and mine Iron
How to get Scrap Iron from Muddy Scrap Piles, and smelt it into Iron Bars

Valheim Boar taming: How to tame Boar
Learn how to tame wild Boars and breed them for maximum Meat and Leather

Valheim boats: how to make the Raft, Karve, and Longship
Learn how to make a boat and sail the seas in Valheim

Valheim Merchant location: how to find Haldor the Trader
How to find and trade with Haldor, the Valheim Merchant

Valheim's next biome update will be the Ashlands, a volcanic land of the dead
Spookier, scarier skeletons

Valheim's Mistlands update now lets you wield magic in the fog
I know fog and mist are different don't @ me

Best Valheim seeds: best starting locations
Best seeds for early Bosses, Traders, Swamps, and more

Valheim Gallery