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RPS presents Steam Deck Academy: a grand repository of Steam Deck knowledge, made simple

This’ll learn ya

A Steam Deck displaying the RPS Steam Deck Academy logo.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun

Welcome to (a possibly overdue update to) RPS' Steam Deck Academy, where the hot, plasticky vent fumes of knowledge and understanding are snorted directly into the brain-nostrils of the technologically curious. Do you have, or are considering, a Steam Deck or Steam Deck OLED? Want to know how to get the most out of it? Friend, you have clicked on the right link.

Liam (RPS in peace) talks up some of the best Steam Deck games.Watch on YouTube

See, the Deck is great, partly because it’s just a small PC. Yet like all PCs, it isn’t always forthcoming with that greatness – you need to dig into it a bit, sometimes literally, with a tiny screwdriver. Only by delving deeper into your handheld can you unlock and unleash its true potential as a go-anywhere games machine, and that’s exactly what Steam Deck Academy is all about: giving you the know-how and directions to make your Deck the best it can be.

Scroll on, then, and you’ll find all the hopefully-helpful Steam Deck words ever committed to RPS: how-to guides, reviews, accessory roundups, and a whole heap of game-specific performance and settings overviews. Steam Deck Academy has been running for a while now so there’s plenty for new owners to start with, and I’ll continue updating these lists with new guides and features as they’re posted. The only thing I’m omitting are the thinkier, bloggier, usually long-form pieces like our Steam Deck OLED discussion or interviews with Valve – obviously give those a read if you wish, though right here, we’re sticking to more practical matters of how you can improve your own Steam Decking.

Want me to cover something specific? Let me know at Otherwise, onwards, to learning!

How-to guides

Hardware reviews and accessory guides

Deep dives and tests

Game performance reports and settings guides

Everything else

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